Jan KardysOn October 20 (1:45PM – 3:15PM), we will be participating in the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Science Writers. Christopher Kenneally will be joined by Jan Kardys to present Inside Book Contract Preparation and Negotiation.

Drawing on her background in contract preparation and negotiation for a number of leading publishers including Time Warner, Macmillan, and Doubleday, Kardys will deliver a wealth of insider’s insights, including the important contract clauses that every author must know, and a detailed explanation of typical subsidiary rights. In an interactive interview with Kenneally, Director of Author Relations at Copyright Clearance Center, Jan will sound a cautionary note worth hearing by both seasoned authors and those with a first book coming to market.

NASW’s Annual Meeting will be held at the The Davenport Hotel in Spokane, WA.National Association of Science Writers The meeting will run from October 19-20, 2007.

For more information, please visit www.nasw.org

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