There’s a huge role for aggregators to really take advantage of ‘open.’

Carrie O'DonnellOpen Educational Resources – OER – are found today in many K-12 and Higher Ed classrooms. Free and accessible, OER digital assets have grown in quantity and quality. Instructors prize the flexibility of OER and students love the affordability.

Publishers, too, can find a lot to like in OER says Carrie O’Donnell, founder of O’Donnell Learn and CafeLearn and a thought leader in education and publishing for more than 25 years.

“I believe there’s a huge role for aggregators to curate, mash up, and enable crowdsourcing of content for higher education courses to make it more affordable, to really take advantage of ‘open,’ and to really take advantage of instructors’ and teachers’ special sauce,” she tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.


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