While AI isn’t a new concept in copyright or technology, it’s the top draw for the 2023 Copyright and Technology conference.
Interview with Bill Rosenblatt
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Once upon a time, the agenda for a copyright conference listed only lawyers as speakers. In 2023, the lawyers have made way for software engineers.
While artificial intelligence and machine learning aren’t new concepts in copyright or technology, they are the top draws for the 2023 edition of the Copyright and Technology conference, returning to Fordham Law School in New York City on Thursday, September 14th.
Conference organizer Bill Rosenblatt has created a program that captures the copyright moment in a single day of panel discussions focused on AI – with bonus points for including the general counsel at OpenAI, the home of ChatGPT.
As the volume of AI-generated content grows, determining whether published works are made by humans or created by machines will be increasingly important, notes Rosenblatt.
“The technologies that are being brought to bear, other than content recognition for copyright purposes, have their roots in deepfake detection and plagiarism detection,” he tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.
“It’s pretty routine now in colleges and universities to run code on student papers to see whether they were plagiarized. You can see how that could be applied to detection of AI-generated content. In fact, some of the vendors of that type of solution are trying to kind of branch out into AI detection.”