Andrew Albanese“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” For book publishing, those lines ring true in any era, but especially our own. Books today compete against a wide spectrum of entertainment, and the time we have to devote to reading is under more pressure than ever. Yet in the face of great obstacles, the creative and the resourceful will find ways to prosper. Independent publishers, particularly, are able to leverage technology and the global distribution network of the Web to win over readers and turn a profit.

“We are calling out a dozen independent publishers who made Publishers Weekly’s fastest-growing list for 2014,” reports Andrew Albanese, PW senior writer. “San Francisco-based No Starch Press is one of my favorites on the list, specializing in ‘the finest in geek entertainment,’ he tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “Its 41% sales increase in 2014 was helped by partnering with promotional site Humble Bundle, the pay-what-you-want venture.

“The No Starch bundle was Humble Bundle’s third-best-selling e-book bundle ever, according to No Starch, selling more than 34,000 bundles, which grossed over $450,000,” Albanese says.

Every Friday, CCC’s “Beyond the Book” speaks with the editors and reporters of “Publishers Weekly” for an early look at the news that publishers, editors, authors, agents and librarians will be talking about when they return to work on Monday.

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