In a week that saw Apple go to school, lawmakers on Capitol Hill watched Wikipedia go dark in opposition to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act. When the lights came back up, there was a new gunslinger in town. “The tech business has shown that its lobbying machine...
The rallying cry from Republican presidential candidates this winter is an echo of Ronald Reagan’s famous line that “government is not a solution to our problem – government is the problem.” That’s also a sentiment some publishers subscribe to, and they are taking the...
New calendars hang on walls in cubes and offices around the country. It’s 2012, and the only safe prediction for the publishing industry is that twelve months from now, the world won’t look anything like it did in January. For the first program of the New Year, PW’s...
The Google Books Case has moved forward – now sans settlement – as the Authors Guild recently met an important deadline set forth by Judge Denny Chin in the six-year-old litigation and filed their motion for class certification. “The case is now on a path where the... announces KDP Select, designed to woo publishers and authors to participate in the Kindle store and the controversial Amazon Prime e-book Lending program. Earlier this week, PW’s Andrew Albanese notes, the university libraries that form the...
Libraries take the spotlight this week, as PW’s upcoming issue is the ALA midwinter preview. “Monday’s issue will have 15 pages dedicated to libraries—and to no one’s surprise, e-books are part of that package,” Andrew Albanese tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally, noting that...
With Thanksgiving – and Black Friday – approaching fast, PW’s Andrew Albanese attended the Association for Corporate Growth’s second annual retail conference this week. As he reports in Monday’s Retail Nation Column, “Flat is the new up.” Albanese also tells...
This week, Kobo learns to say, “konnichiwa,” and Nook moves into the tablet market. Within weeks of rolling out its new tablet, Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten has acquired Kobo for a hefty $315 million, Andrew Albanese reports. Rakuten is an international...
On Thursday, Amazon jumped into the digital book lending business, announcing the launch of Kindle Owners Lending Library for Amazon Prime members. PW’s Features Editor Andrew Albanese runs through what’s to like, and what’s not to like, for...
With a new e-reading device arriving this week on the market, every book you read could have its own network. PW Features Editor Andrew Albanese tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally what he heard when Kobo’s Matt Welch and Jason Gamblen stopped by the PW offices to show...