Publishing Looks Into Future

At the Tools of Change conference for 2013, to paraphrase William Gibson, the future is already here – and it was pretty evenly distributed among the many panels and workshops. Publishers and their technology vendors were focused this week on conversion and...

Tao of Publishing

It’s the Tao of Publishing in the Digital Age – the way to success flows from reconciling the combating forces of destruction and renewal. Put another way, satori is possible in a world of both clicks and mortar. James McQuivey, vice-president and senior analyst...

For E-Books To Lend, A Library Goes To Authors

The Super Bowl it’s not – librarians and publishers clashing over e-book lending policies may never attract million-dollar advertising packages or superstar singing acts. But at the American Libraries Association midwinter meeting this week in Seattle, the contest...

Libraries Welcome E-Book Lending Thaw

A January thaw is upon us – Not in the Northeastern US, where temperatures have been in the single digits for days, but certainly in Libraryland, where a major trade publisher has announced an innovative e-book lending program for libraries. Coming just ahead of...

House Moving in Digital Times

Whenever you move house, it’s an opportunity to clean, as well as a big job to pack. As the Penguin/Random House merger advances, the physical move may prove to be far easier than the digital transition, observes Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly senior writer....

2012’s Books By the Numbers

In the New Year, it’s time for endings and beginnings, along with some reckonings. The numerically-inclined among the editorial staff of Publishers Weekly have turned in their tallies for 2012. There were more #1 bestsellers than ever over the last 12 months,...

Publishing Education in Bits & Bytes

The digital tide is high – and rising – at leading publishing education programs. A Publishers Weekly survey finds more courses than ever on metadata and SEO, with the number of graduates finding digital-driven jobs growing, too. “In 2007, just 6% of NYU [publishing...

Not Everyone Is An E.L. James Fan

If you think 40 million readers can’t be wrong, think again. On Monday, Publishers Weekly named 50 Shades of Grey author E.L. James as the magazine’s “Person of the Year.” That award was not an award for the book, though it surely sounded like that to many critics who...

Librarians To Confront E-Book Mess: The Week Ahead

As 2012 draws to its end, magazines and media proclaim the year’s winners and losers. Publishers Weekly gets the party started early next week with its announcement of book publishing’s “Person of the Year” for 2012. In the same issue, PW previews the upcoming...

The Week Ahead 11.16.12

A newspaper man takes home a book award. At a time when both the news business and the book business face crisis, a celebration provides welcome diversion. This week’s ceremony for the National Book Awards included honoring New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger...

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