ALA winter conference highlights freedom to read, sustainability, and AI.

Andrew AlbaneseThe American Library Association met in Baltimore last weekend for the LibLearnX conference.

“The show began on Friday, January 19, and closed on Monday in a very cold and snowy Baltimore,” reports Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly executive editor.

ALA officials put total attendance for this year’s show at 2,006, including 391 exhibitor attendees and 109 virtual attendees.

“That figure is down quite sharply from the 2,659 who attended last year in the New Orleans,” Albanese tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.

In the professional program, popular topics included defending the freedom to read; sustainability; and AI.

Every Friday, CCC’s “Velocity of Content” features the editors and reporters of Publishers Weekly for an early look at what news publishers, editors, authors, agents, and librarians will be talking about when they return to work on Monday.


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