One of our biggest challenges is to get access to the right information in a cost-effective manner, says Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Information Center director

With Casper Grathwohl, Oxford University Press Karen Martin, Thermo Fisher Scientific Information Center

Karen MartinCasper Grathwohl For information consumers and creators, a proliferation of digital tools enables them to work “harder and smarter” than ever before. As roles and responsibilities shift for researchers – and publishers, too – CCC’s Chris Kenneally recently explored with a leading representative from each community the ways they are responding to accelerating change.

“One of our biggest challenges, apart from being able to find the answers, is being able to get access to the right information in a cost-effective manner so that we can address all these different types of information that our users need,” said Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Karen Martin.

“Are we just content providers?  If we’re not just content providers, what else are we doing?” asked Casper Grathwohl of Oxford University Press. A further question, he said, is, “Why are we better positioned in this new digital world to that over a third party or someone else who comes up with an industry solution?  It’s hard to figure that part out.”

As President of the Dictionaries Division as well as Director of Global Business Development at Oxford University Press, Casper Grathwohl oversees licensing for OUP’s educational, academic, and dictionary properties and manages regional offices in New York, Oxford, and Hong Kong.

Karen Martin, Director of the Thermo Fisher Scientific Information Center, is responsible for providing relevant, cost-effective information services which support the growth, competitiveness and innovation of the company. Karen has a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and over 15 years of experience in marketing roles in the Life Science industry.

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