Robert LevineFrom disruptive innovation to legislative evolution, the copyright conversation is getting plenty of attention. On Wednesday, April 2nd at the New York Academy of Sciences, journalists, filmmakers and musicians join media moguls and intellectual property attorneys to share ideas on the question that’s on everyone’s mind – what’s next?

Presented by Copyright Clearance Center, OnCopyright 2014 is a one-day symposium on content and copyright that brings together the people who create, publish, reinvent, curate, and share. Host for the day is Robert Levine, a journalist who covers the culture business from New York and Berlin and who is the author of Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back.

“OnCopyright is not a pure business conference, and it’s not a pure law conference,” Levine tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally. “What we want to do is debate things so the audience can come away knowing more, not just with more opinion, but with more knowledge.”

Previously executive editor of Billboard Magazine, Rob Levine has written for Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and The New York Times. As he researched and wrote Free Ride, Levine says he became “addicted” to copyright.

“As a journalist, the tradition is that you have a lot of short-term relationships. You move from subject to subject. But in the course of writing the book, I got very addicted to copyright. I kept researching it. I kept reporting on it, and I wanted to have a voice in the debate. I’m not representing any companies. I’m not taking sides in legislative proposals, What I wanted is to have some small part in getting a voice for creators and hosting something like this is a great way to meet the people making the decisions.”

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