Rose FoxAndrew AlbaneseIn a week that saw Apple go to school, lawmakers on Capitol Hill watched Wikipedia go dark in opposition to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act. When the lights came back up, there was a new gunslinger in town.

“The tech business has shown that its lobbying machine has some game with the way it turned so many lawmakers around,” PW’s Andrew Albanese tells Chris Kenneally about the impact of the SOPA protests. “The public values its Internet. Clearly. And by provoking this kind of response … my fear is for a setback for reasonable anti-piracy legislation, which we can all agree, is much needed.”

PW reviews editor Rose Fox drops in to talk about pop-up books, a print book format that may never go digital. Animal Masquerade, by Marianne Dubuc and translated from the French by Yvette Ghione, is a colorful array of animals dressed up as other animals, says Fox. In Romance, True Highland Spirit by Amanda Forester, brings together a French knight and a formidable Scottish lady in a 14th-century setting.

Every Friday, CCC’s “Beyond the Book” speaks with the editors and reporters of “Publishers Weekly” for an early look at the news that publishers, editors, authors, agents and librarians will be talking about when they return to work on Monday.

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