Florrie KichlerAs presidents end their term in office, they focus on the legacy they leave to their successors. The Independent Book Publishers Association has announced today that long-term president Florrie Kichler is retiring from her post on July 1. Over the five years that she’s served as IBPA president, Florrie Kichler has watched the publishing world face one crisis or challenge after another, from the Google Books case to the transformative arrival of Kindles and iPads.

IBPA LogoAs Kichler tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally, “The golden age of publishing is upon us. And when I say the golden age, I am referring to the rise of the independent publisher. We’re way out here where everybody can see us, and we’re a force to be reckoned with. It’s been most exciting for me at the helm of IBPA to see that transformation occur.”

Based in Manhattan Beach, California, the Independent Book Publishers Association is a national trade association of more than 3,500 small and independent publishers. Upon Kichler’s departure, Terry Nathan, a 20-year IBPA veteran, will assume the title Chief Operations Officer and Kichler’s replacement will take the title of Executive Director.

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