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Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.

BookExpo Evolves

Organizations and organism share more than a Latin root word. Both are never static, but destined forever for change. Over time, evolution takes its course. Organisms and organizations once dominant in their environments must find ways to adapt to change or give way...

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Open Access and the Entrepreneurial Publisher

Fundamental to scholarly publishing – as the originator, the creator of valued content – is the researcher.  Once upon a time, researchers lay in the shadows, but are forgotten no more. A good deal of the credit goes to the rise of open access business models,...

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Pallante Leaves Copyright Office

As the business day closed last Friday, published reports announced the removal of Maria Pallante from her duties as the US Register of Copyrights, a role she had held since 2011. Subsequent reporting offers insights on what prompted the surprise move, and what it...

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Get Smart About Content

For publishers, content is at the heart of every conversation with business partners – and with their authors and readers, too. Since its acquisition by Copyright Clearance Center earlier this year, Ixxus now goes far beyond traditional Enterprise Content Management...

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Frankfurt Becomes A Refuge For Books

The annual Frankfurt Book Fair is a global jamboree of self-expression. The world's authors and publishers arrive with poetry, fiction, science and business texts that map to the remarkable range of human talent. In 2016, Book Fair organizers recognize that the book...

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RightFind Music Launches

The opening bars of “Heavy Action,” the longtime theme music for Monday Night Football in the U.S. have preceded many a memorable game. This week, Beyond the Book has “swapped” the MNF theme for our own to help make the point that music makes emotional connections...

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Nobel For Dylan

Well, Shakespeare, he's in the alley with his pointed shoes and his bells, and Bob Dylan’s heading to Stockholm to claim the Nobel Prize. From Hemingway to Hesse, Camus to Kawabata, Singer to Soyinka, Nobel winners in literature have authored books of poetry, fiction,...

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Copyright Licensing & Permissions

Information Management

Open Access (OA)

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