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2016 Global Book News In Review

The United States has by far the largest publishing industry of any nation in the world, followed by China and Germany. Some of the fastest growth is seen in national markets across Asia and the Middle East. Young populations with access to the Internet on smartphones...

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Barnes & Noble Has Post-Holiday Hangover

The holiday season marks the time of year when just about everyone wishes for miracles. As 2016 ended, the book world crossed its fingers, closed its eyes and said a quiet prayer for an upturn in sales. This first week of January, booksellers and publishers have...

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2016 Technology News In Review

“Progress” is supposed to be a given in modern human society. We expect our technology to advance, year over year, and for maintaining that pace, we rely on Moore’s Law. In other words, last year’s model is always obsolete. One way to distinguish 21st century...

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2016 Book Business News In Review

The word of the year for publishing in 2016 was data. It was such a big year for data, in fact, that it’s always called, “Big Data.” As publishers remake themselves into information providers for the digital age, they will likely need to abandon the old notion of...

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Where Copyright And Technology Collide

When it comes to digital technology, the story is all about the disruption. From Napster to Uber, YouTube to Twitter, and Kindle to iPhone, innovative devices and Web-based services have made good business from displacing established players. Digital disruption can...

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As 2016 Ends, Librarians Look Ahead

In the weeks before the curtain falls on 2016, editors and reporters are madly making lists – not of gifts they wish for, but of stories from the last twelve months they can’t forget or stop talking about. 2016 has made an indelible mark, of course – in politics, in...

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A New Digital Book World Ahead

"The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one." Unhappily, many working in the publishing industry know too well how swiftly this wry observation can become true. The best way to keep your job in publishing is to open your mind to new ideas,...

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Politics Trumps Publishing

"The election of Donald Trump was not only a shock to the nation, but also to publishers, and many are now pivoting to put some books on Trump, and America in the Age of Trump, onto their Spring 2017 lists," reports Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly senior writer....

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WorldReader Brings Digital Library To Africa

A visit to the local library is a common ritual for families with young children. Even the smallest library’s shelves are stocked with many an armful of story books for bedtime. In developing countries across Africa, the physical library is a rare enough sight. Books...

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