Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Publishers Prefer Print
“We’ve seen readers drift away from the use of dedicated e-readers for e-book consumption to their smartphones – and that is a key point.”
State of Info Management 2017
Taking the time to search for and identify trends in information management offers rich rewards: When patterns reveal themselves, we learn about the world in new ways.
Full Circle For Publishers Forum
When you bother to look into content and into consumers, you find we are about to reinvent the whole game.
Out at Fox, In at Holt
Bill O’Reilly, the creator of the so-called ‘no-spin zone’ has now entered the no job zone.
Why Copyright Office Needs A Makeover
The “Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act of 2017” would change how the US Register of Copyrights is appointed – from a designee of the Librarian of Congress to an appointee of the President. Why change the longstanding practice, and why change it now?
Playing Politics With Copyright
Political intrigue may kill hope for passage of copyright reform.
At IBPA, A Free Speech Debate
In times of political division and heightened concerns for the future, particularly around free speech and intellectual freedom, what are the roles independent publishers and authors should play? In such times, what are the responsibilities of independent publishers and authors?
In China, Digital Libraries Face Copyright Challenges
This week in Beijing, the China Written Works Copyright Society (CWWCS) and Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) are co-organizers for a day-long seminar on copyright challenges and solutions for digital libraries and university e-campuses.
Register of Copyrights Bill Has A Twist
The Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act (H.R. 1695), which would make the Register of Copyrights a presidential appointee, cleared its first legislative hurdle last week, passing the House Judiciary Committee by a 27-1 vote, less than a week after...