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AAP Sales Numbers Mixed For 2016

AAP Sales Numbers Mixed For 2016

“The publishers in AAP’s StatShot program reported that revenues declined about 6.6% over 2015. Overall, revenue for 2016 was $14.25 billion, down from $15.26 billion in 2015,” says Andrew Albanese.

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Librarians on the Move

Librarians on the Move

“As the pace of digital change quickened, librarians have found themselves at once evangelizing for digital technology and wrestling with its implications.”

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Checklist for a Professionally Published Book

Checklist for a Professionally Published Book

The Independent Book Publishers Association sees a bias against indie voices in book award contests, media reviews and inclusion on bookstore shelves. To ensure that books are judged on merit and quality rather than on the size of the publisher or the author’s business model, IBPA has made available an industry standards checklist for a professionally published book.

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Report Finds Publishing Rights “Untapped”

Report Finds Publishing Rights “Untapped”

In time for last week’s BookExpo in New York City, BISG unwrapped Untapped Opportunity, documenting that more than half of those surveyed were “currently missing out on meaningful rights revenue” as well as frustrations that paper-based workflows and reporting remain costly and ineffective.

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