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Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.

A World of Words

A World of Words

“If you’re an editor at a major publishing house, you have to look globally [for new works to translate] and that can be overwhelming.”

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What Video Games Can Teach Publishing

What Video Games Can Teach Publishing

In this “Best of Beyond the Book” episode, award-winning video game developer and novelist Jakub Szamalek asserts, “I’m absolutely convinced that books and games are not competitors and that people are likely to do both.”

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Information Management

Open Access (OA)

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