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Manga Translates Infringement
In the ’90s, scanlation was still a fan passion project. At some point, that changed. The scanlation sites became more about piracy. And they just don’t care.
Black Friday Blues for Books
Despite sales flagging over the holiday week, it’s not all bad news for books
Best of BTB: From Page To Screen
How much will we continue to read, and how much will reading continue to matter?
The Public Library in a Disruptive Age
Why libraries still matter in a world of smartphones and what can be done to ensure their survival.
National Book Awards Has High Watt Star Power
The 68th National Book Awards were held Wednesday at Cipriani New York; the parade of glitterati included actress Anne Hathaway and former President Bill Clinton—now one of a family of three bestselling authors.
Setting The Tone
Maintaining an inclusive workplace means addressing more than cultural differences
Libraries Winners On Election Day
Of 37 library-related ballot measures in 16 states, 27 were passed, including a $125 million New Jersey Library Construction Bond
StoryDrive Coming to Singapore
People come to Singapore to exchange knowledge and to exchange publishing rights
Publishing’s Women Losing The Numbers Game
Women in book publishing are in more of the jobs than ever but occupy fewer than half the managerial positions.