Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Rosenblatt Previews Copyright & Tech Conference 2018
Those online elephants who have grown enormous on copyright are the technology giants familiar to everyone
Happy Holidays For Book Sales
“Since 2013, print unit sales are up 10.8%. We will see if publishers can keep that streak going in 2018.”
The Opportunity in OER for Publishers
There’s a huge role for aggregators to really take advantage of ‘open.’
2017 Year-in-Review: Global Publishing News
Around the world, newspapers, books and manga face similar predicaments: even as they serve wider communities than ever before they must confront business challenges that threaten their survivals.
2017 Year-in-Review: The Business of Publishing
The speed of technological development at the beginning of the 21st century has outpaced our human ability to absorb the change. We have landed in a new world and have barely begun to explore it.
2017 Year-in-Review: Gender & Diversity In the News
Responsible executives recognize a duty to denounce unacceptable conduct. There is also a responsibility to welcome diversity and difference in the workplace
US Libraries Faced Up to Challenges in 2017
One thing Trump has done for members of the library community is to focus them; the challenge for 2018 will be to retain that focus
Pro-Digital & Pro-Copyright
There is huge value in the curation and the discovery of important information. And there’s a gap in terms of how that is then turned into a commercial model.
How Conyers Exit Impacts Copyright Reform Efforts
A retirement in Congress may mean an end to chances for copyright reform any time soon.