Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Humans In The Age of Big Data
The founder of a leading developer of text analytic solutions is confident that machine learning hasn’t displaced the learning done by human beings.
IPA Congress Comes To New Delhi
We live in a world of alternative facts. Trust in reliable, high-quality information is more important than ever. And it’s the publishers around the world that have risen to this challenge.
From Norway, A Global Book Report
As snow fell in Oslo, the book business in Europe felt a chill.
Where Will Digital Lead Analog Next?
Amazon Books feels so refreshing and remains so popular because it makes the physical world conform to its digital origins
Europe Book Sales Steady
The worst may be over for European publishers, after falling sales resulting from the 2008 financial crash and uncertainty that came with e-books
The Future of Digital First Sale
In an era when streaming is overtaking downloads, how much does First Sale even matter?
PW to Publishers: Speak Up About “Net Neutrality”
A vibrant, open Internet is as crucial to the future of publishing as copyright policy. And that’s why we believe publishers cannot sit this one out.
The Harm In News Fatigue
What’s the result of someone not reading the story? What happens if the story gets lost in the mess or if people ignore the headline?
Fire And Fury Ignites Publishing World
“Publishing industry leaders are calling out the danger in President Trump even suggesting changes to libel laws to shut down his critics”