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Librarians Confront Gun Violence
In the forthcoming PW issue, Andrew Albanese interviews Parkland (Florida) Public library director Joe Green. “We talked about how you never think this is going to happen in your community, especially not in a community like Parkland.”
Library of Congress: Publisher, Partner, Publishing Resource
The Publishing Office at the Library of Congress partners with co-publishers to create books and other products that showcase the collections and services of the world’s largest library.
The Pursuit of Indie Publishing Happiness
Over three days in early April in Austin, Texas, IBPA’s Publishing University packs in lessons from data standards and marketing strategies to audiobooks and Amazon.
Hachette’s Nourry Slams “Stupid” E-Books
As currently imagined, the e-book market, and even the very concept of the e-book itself, are designed to protect publishers’ legacy print businesses
Global Publishing Trends 2018
Publishing is not a level playing field where everyone can walk in and have their place. It is a market driven by forces that are outside of books and reading.
ALA Midwinter Meeting Slumps Further
ALA officials are considering how best to proceed with the Midwinter meeting in the future
Connecting Researchers to Scientific Content
How an award-winning biotechnology company is meeting information challenges for researchers in life-saving drug development.
For Scholarly Publishing, Diversity Means Opportunity
The horizontal landscape of ideas, research, people, cultures, and best practices can only enhance a publisher’s ability to be innovative and productive
Budget Brings Relief for US Librarians
Even as librarians were again girding for a tough budget battle, the budget that passed today has them feeling a bit more optimistic.