Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Building a Wider Audience for Readers
You just might be a bibliophile, too
PLA Confronts New Media Landscape
At Philadelphia’s PLA Conference, the common thread among speakers was the new media landscape
Privacy Lost and Found
Privacy, as we once knew it, was sold down the digital river a long while ago, says author B.J. Mendelson
Sally Yates Urges Librarians To Hold Politicians “Accountable”
“You can debate policies and issues… but those debates have to be based on common facts and truth” Sally Yates told the Public Library Association conference this week
YouTube Knows Who You Are
The world’s largest music streaming platform is also a search engine and a video platform – YouTube. The Alphabet-owned company, which Google acquired in 2006, holds a 25% share of the streaming music market.
Allegations Force Alexie to Decline ALA Carnegie Medal
“Librarians may believe that you don’t censor, that you don’t pull from your shelves controversial works—but does that extend to a controversial author? In the end, Sherman Alexie made the decision for them.”
YouTube Is Manga Author’s Launchpad
“I can tell you that the YouTube decision impacted my career, and where I am today. I needed all that encouragement and excitement from my fans to continue this journey.”
Times Book Review No Longer “Review-centric”
Until recently, a New York Times editor admits, the paper ‘had no sense of how to make sense to someone who comes to our book coverage on a phone.’
Workplace Equity Project Surveying Scholarly Publishing
Studies show 60% of the scholarly publishing workforce is female, over 85% is white, and 60% of the leadership is male… The WE Survey hopes to gain some insight into why.