Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
The Volume on Audiobooks Going Up… And Up
With a wide range of titles, we see a lot of excitement about the format, and it gets a lot of new listeners to try audiobooks.
Mood Music for Indie Booksellers is Upbeat in New Orleans
The industry needs B&N to do better. And it just isn’t.
The Content Liberation Movement
Forward-thinking editors, however, demand freedom to reuse and repurpose content in innovative, high value ways, especially on mobile devices.
Michelle Obama Takes The ALA Stage
If the former First Lady says something perceived as critical of the administration, will that put Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden in the crosshairs? And if nothing political is brought up, well – is that not a missed opportunity?
American Ajja
A chemist turned technology executive, inspired by Gandhi, pens a memoir
Covering Books Around the World
Book markets in the United States, United Kingdom, and across Europe have much in common, though, significant national differences remain despite globalization.
Bill Clinton Meets The #MeToo Moment
This disaster of an appearance surely has people aware of the book. And here’s the thing, too — it’s apparently an excellent read.
What Makes Writing Effective
Whereas concerning the matter of the case at the bar notwithstanding and subsequently owing to the fact that with respect to the said matter pursuant to hereinafter over a period of time it is clear that the aforementioned must cease and desist.
In DC, Copyright Gets A Reboot From Trump White House
Publishing still faces serious challenges in protecting the current retail ecosystem amid changing consumer habits