At London Book Fair, Publishers Urge Permission for AI Training

Without exaggeration, the entire London Book Fair stood on the intersection of publishing, copyright, and AI.

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Authors at London Book Fair Vote on Brexit

Authors at London Book Fair Vote on Brexit

The “psychological effect” of Brexit on researchers, said Tim Britton “is impossible to measure” and could potentially have a far bigger impact than any of the actual policies Brexit may eventually settle on.

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Best of BTB: The Web at 25

Best of BTB: The Web at 25

Today, March 12, marks the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web. CERN, where in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee drafted his proposal for a way to link documents and data across the Internet, is celebrating the occasion, along with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the World Wide Web Foundation.

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The Race to the Streamers

The Race to the Streamers

Porter Anderson, Publishing Perspectives editor-in-chief, notes important ways that the exchange between page and screen is evolving.

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