At London Book Fair, Publishers Urge Permission for AI Training

Without exaggeration, the entire London Book Fair stood on the intersection of publishing, copyright, and AI.

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Bolton Book Court Fight Surprise

Bolton Book Court Fight Surprise

The National Security Council official who led prepublication review for John Bolton’s White House memoir has detailed a troubling chain of events that backed up his claims.

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Diversifying Readership Through Open Access

Diversifying Readership Through Open Access

Scholars and their publishers have in common the search for readers. In an information ecosystem inundated by books, journals and social media, readers, too, are always on the hunt for relevant and accessible publications.

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Frankfurt 2020: Digital Only

Frankfurt 2020: Digital Only

Frankfurt in 2020 will now be entirely a “digital book fair.” Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Email | Download On Tuesday, Frankfurt Book Fair organizers announced that the world’s largest publishing industry trade show would not hold any...

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Best of BTB: In Pandemic, Healthy Leadership Needed

Best of BTB: In Pandemic, Healthy Leadership Needed

“Nobody was ready for [the pandemic]. It’s almost impossible to be ready for something of this nature. But if you have a really healthy organization, and you have caring leadership at the top, usually you get through it,” says Bill Baker, president emeritus of Channel Thirteen in New York and co-author with Michael O’Malley of “Organizations for People.”

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