Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Up for 2020, Book Business Braces for 2021
Publishers finished 2020 pretty much how they carried all of the year—with strong sales.
Best of: Publishers Help Kids With Homework
School districts are looking for content that goes both ways – online as well as in print.
Seeking Information Balance In 2020
In this third episode of a three-part review for 2020, three takes on information that illuminate the golden rule: sources matter – and the more, the better.
Publishers Face Storms of Change In 2020
In the second edition of a three-part review for 2020, how publishers are navigating through storms of change.
The Devil In the Data
In the first edition of a three-part review for 2020, why “data analyst” may be the year’s hot job title.
Amazon Considering E-book Lending for Libraries
Discussions with the Digital Public Library of America cover Amazon Publishing titles only.
Rebuilding and Reimagining Kenya’s Libraries
As the global coronavirus pandemic holds the world in its grip, Book Bunk has continues to meet the challenge of engaging a new generation of Kenyan readers.
BookExpo Is “Retired”
ReedPop has announced that book publishing shows BookExpo and BookCon are being “retired.”
Best of BTB: Can Data Science Measure Up to COVID19?
Data scientists everywhere today are heading this sage advice: Don’t waste a crisis.