Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
How Open Science Is Shaping Research Workflow
Part business model, part ideology, Open Science emphasizes collaboration and transparency for research and research-related publications.
Can Substack Succeed At Serialization?
Serialization efforts may soon have a greater impact on the book business, reaching readers not inclined to browse a bookstore.
Saving Copyright for UK Authors & Publishers
In June, the UK’s Intellectual Property Office announced it will look at changes to the exhaustion of intellectual property rights. Essentially, exhaustion of IP rights is a limit on the control that copyright holders and others have over physical distribution of their works, such as books, in markets around the world.
Delta Variant Thwarts Hachette Office Return
The rise of the Delta variant of SARS-COV-2 has moved one major publisher to reverse plans to return to the office.
Blockchain Enthusiast
Darrell Gunter has helped bring to market digital-driven initiatives such as Factiva, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and others. The technology next-in-line to transform publishing, says the industry veteran, will be blockchain.
Libraries On The Infrastructure List
Restoring and remaking the national infrastructure is going beyond roads and bridges to include libraries.
Global Science, Local Change
“The solutions are coming from the Africans themselves and from the developing world,” says Gracian Chimwaza. “They work locally to address the problems locally.”
Industry Analyst Sees Book Sales Headed to Banner Year
Could the “new normal” bring high-flying book sales back to earth?
Libraries in Lockdown
As Open Access and Open Science policies have taken hold, university librarians flung open the doors to their institutions. But in March 2020, those same libraries were forced to shut as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.