Featuring breaking news and thoughtful analysis from across the dynamic global content industry, CCC’s Velocity of Content is a platform for thought leaders and industry experts operating at the speed of content to share new ideas, observations, and knowledge and stay on top of emerging industry trends and challenges. Visit the Velocity of Content blog to read the latest posts.
Ranks of Top Publishers in 2020 Announced
55 publishing groups with combined reported revenue for 2020 of nearly $68 billion are included in this year’s ranking. Total 2020 revenue is down about 6% from 2019, though a significant portion of that decline is owing to currency fluctuations.
Data Direction for Publishers
“You’re not only a book buyer, consumer, reader, or a consumer of other media. What we saw in our data was that those that were avid in books were avid across other media,” says Dr. Rachel Noorda,
Amazon & Big 5 Tell Judge: No Conspiracy Here
“The alleged conspiracy—in which the five largest American trade publishers are alleged to have banded together to give Amazon monopoly pricing power over e-books—fundamentally makes no sense.”
Paying for the News
On the web, those who gets paid for bringing you the news are less and less the reporters, editors, and publisher – and more and more, the so-called platforms where so many news consumers go first for information. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Email |...
A Decade of Podcasting
CCC and PW are marking today the Tenth Anniversary of our weekly conversation together.
Best of VOC: Rights Management & ROI
Over the past two decades, technology has transformed rights management from back-office clerical function to strategic opportunity across many sectors of publishing.
A 9/11 Tribute
After 20 years, Publishers Weekly writers and editors are recalling 9/11. “The PW staff did a remarkable job capturing early reactions to the historic event,” says editorial director Jim Milliot.
Best of VOC: Why Golden Oldies Are Hot Investments
While the music industry experienced financial carnage in the first decade of digital disruption, streaming has restored the business to growth by playing your favorite song.
“That Morning Was a Little Crazy”
What happened to Gonzalez was a transient ischemic attack (TIA), also called, “a mini-stroke.”