Ed PentzFor authors, publishers, institutions and research funders, Open Access mandates require clear definitions to manage publication workflows and ensure data consistency. Authors want to know what rights they retain and whether they are compliant with a given funder policy. Publishers must state precisely what the audience can – and cannot— do with the articles they disseminate. And research funders need to verify their policies are followed.

Recently, Ed Pentz, Executive Director of the non-profit CrossRef and Co-chair of the NISO Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group previewed forthcoming metadata elements that enable clear statements of licensing terms and embargo dates for scholarly content.

“This is a challenge for all scholarly publishers, both open-access and traditional subscription publishers,” Pentz tells CCC’s Chris Kenneally.  “Traditional metadata has always been focused on bibliographic information, and that’s now changing. There is an increasing need to be more transparent about the status of content, too.”

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