The New York Times LogoIn what promises to be the first article in a series called “The Future of Reading,” the New York Times this Sunday examined how a generation of readers who prefer online content to printed books may be learning differently than their parents and asks, “Is this good or bad?”

The question – and some answers – will sound familiar to those who have followed the last few weeks the four installments of Beyond the Book’s own exploration of the very same topic. Whether you work in the media, or just have children who were born “digital natives,” the issue matters. As one observer notes, for better or for worse, like it or not, “Books aren’t out of the picture, but they’re only one way of experiencing information in the world today.”

All of us at “Beyond the Book” care deeply about the future of reading of all texts. We hope that whatever you do this summer, you make time for reading. If you want, let us know what you’re reading and we will share that with our audience.

Best wishes,
Chris Kenneally Signature
Christopher Kenneally
Director, Author Relations
Copyright Clearance Center

For the link to the article, go here:”Future%20of%20Reading”&st=cse

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