Andrew AlbaneseIn a federal courtroom this week, Judge Denise Cote took on a potential new front in the ongoing e-book antitrust battle.

Once again, the claim is e-book price-fixing, though this time the plaintiffs are e-book retailers who say their businesses suffered when Apple and several major publishers sought to lock out price competition.

“Both the publishers and Apple have filed motions to have the case tossed, and, I think they have a strong legal argument,” reports Andrew AlbanesePublishers Weekly senior writer. “They argue, and I would agree, that the direct harm here, was born by consumers, and was already addressed by the settlements, and by the final injunction in Apple’s case.”

Every Friday, CCC’s “Beyond the Book” speaks with the editors and reporters of “Publishers Weekly” for an early look at the news that publishers, editors, authors, agents and librarians will be talking about when they return to work on Monday.

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