Over recent years, publishers have expanded and evolved strategies for combating content piracy in response to increasingly sophisticated counterfeiting techniques.

Piracy Panel

In this second half of The Never-ending Story of Pirates: Global Strategies to Combat Counterfeiting, special content from Copyright Clearance Center explores in-depth, specific publisher experiences, illuminating how these organizations are responding to the ongoing challenge of piracy.

A previous program examined a variety of international perspectives across different industries.

The discussion leader is Michiel Kolman, Senior Vice President of Information Industry Relations at Elsevier, a global information analytics business specializing in science and health. He is a former President of the International Publishers Association.

Panelists for this section include Sari Frances, Director of Content Protection Services at Elsevier; John Garry, Vice President and Senior Counsel with Pearson, who manages Pearson’s Intellectual Property Protection Group; and Paul Johnson, Strategic Account Manager with OpSec Online (established in January 2020, OpSec Online combines the brand protection efforts of OpSec and MarkMonitor).

Over recent years, publishers have expanded and evolved strategies for combating content piracy in response to increasingly sophisticated counterfeiting techniques, notes CCC’s Chris Kenneally, the program host. The most promising ways forward involve collaboration across businesses, industries, and continents, pulling together the expertise of legal, content, production, sales and marketing teams globally.

Copyright Pirates

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