Business-minded application and standards can serve to streamline the workflow for everyone.
Recorded at Frankfurt Book Fair 2017
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Open Access business models are a well-established reality for scholarly publishers in 2017. Yet Open Access continues to cause disruption for all stakeholders. At research universities particularly, tracking Article Publication Charges (APCs) brings costly inefficiency to the manuscript submission workflow for authors, funders and university staff.
Last week at the Frankfurt Book, Copyright Clearance Center presented an Open Access Master Class in University APCs. In a discussion with CCC’s Chris Kenneally, publishing consultant Maurits van der Graaf and Ringgold President Laura Cox discussed why business-minded application and standards can serve to streamline the workflow for everyone.
Maurits van der Graaf is founder of Pleiade Management and Consultancy based in Amsterdam and a consultant with Research Consulting based in the United Kingdom. He recently completed for Knowledge Exchange a survey on authors’ experiences when using the Gold Road for Open Access model for publishing articles. He is currently completing a study for the Publishing Research Consortium that looks in depth at authors’ motivations when they choose to publish their research using the Gold Road OA model.
Laura Cox is President, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, for Ringgold, Inc. Since 2003, Ringgold has been developing a curated authority file of more than 450,000 institutions spanning multiple industry sectors. Laura sits on the Board at ISNI – International Standard Name Identifier – the ISO certified global standard for identifying the millions of contributors to creative works. She created the Consortium Directory Online, which was acquired by Ringgold, along with her consulting business, in September 2011.