Digital Transformation is about more than transformative technology – an organization must also deploy its people in new, creative ways.
Recorded at Frankfurt Book Fair 2017
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Digital transformation is a journey. It is not a destination. And heading down the road to digital transformation can feel like traveling without a guide or a map. The way ahead promises renewal and reward even as it threatens turmoil and disruption. Digital transformation can shorten the lifespan of an enterprise and it can restore its vitality. But there are no guarantees.
Last week at the Frankfurt Book Fair, executives from Copyright Clearance Center and its London-based subsidiary Ixxus shared how data-driven, practical solutions can accelerate digital transformation, and why knowledge engineering is the next leg of our profession’s ongoing digital transformation journey.
According to a study by Michael Gale, an integrated technology marketer who has worked directly on over 500 global programs and campaigns for major technology brands since 2001, the chances that your organization is getting digital transformation right are not good. One in eight companies, says Gale, will succeed at digital transformation. The other seven will fail or miss their expectations so mightily as to consider their efforts a failure.
Presenters were (in order of appearance) Carl Robinson, a Principle Consultant for Ixxus, and Haralambos “Babis” Marmanis, Copyright Clearance Center’s Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Engineering and Product Development. CCC’s Chris Kenneally moderated the discussion.