Angela BoleThe human genome is a sequence of billions of pieces of DNA, the biological database that makes us who we are. The DNA of independent publishers is equally complex and diverse.

With over 3,000 members, the Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest publishing trade association in the U.S., helping independent publisher, self-published authors, small presses, and mid-sized publishers to navigate the sometimes intimidating publishing process.

From April 7 to 9 in Salt Lake City, IBPA presents the annual Publishing University conference. In an interview with CCC’s Chris Kenneally, IBPA CEO Angela Bole previewed the PubU program, including a keynote address from bestselling author Kwame Alexander, as well as IBPA’s plans for a new magazine (print and online), a new website, an increased focus on advocacy,.

“IBPA members stand out for their profound passion for their work, as well as their commitment to excellence and professionalism in the field,” Bole said. “At Publishing University and beyond, IBPA is working to level the playing field for anyone who wants to professionally engage in the business of publishing.”

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