Nathan ClevengerAhead of his presentation to a one-day workshop co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS, Nathan Clevenger, enterprise editor at Smartphone Magazine, tells Chris Kenneally how the mobile environment is driving change in publishing. “Mobile applications expose a lot more opportunities for interactivity. Mobile technology (also) offers integration with things like GPS, or cameras. In the context of interacting with data or content, I think the possibilities are endless.”

In contrast to the early days of office technology, when a technology provider sold directly to a company or organization, Clevenger points out, consumers are taking their personally-owned devices into the work place.

“Those employees are beginning to bleed their consumer expectations for there’s an app for everything into their professional and workplace contexts,” said Clevenger, who is also Chief Mobility Evangelist at ITR Group.

Mobile Computing: Delivering Content to the Research Community, gets underway November 18, 2010, at the National Archives, Washington, DC.

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