Allan AdlerWith six weeks remaining for rightsholders to choose whether to opt in or out from the historic Authors Guild/AAP/Google settlement, a spokesman for one of the plaintiffs tells Copyright Clearance Center that “explaining the settlement agreement, and indeed, explaining the lawsuit that the agreement grew out of, has been virtually a full-time job.”

Recently, Allan Adler, Vice President for Legal and Governmental Affairs in the Washington, DC, office of the Association of American Publishers, AAP discussed with me the settlement and its significance for authors and publishers, both within the US and abroad. I invite you to listen and hear more on these topics:

  • How has AAP used extensions in key settlements deadlines as an opportunity for additional clarification and communication to the rightsholder community?
  • What is AAP’s reaction to the U.S. Department of Justice evaluating the proposed settlement for anti-trust implications?
  • What type of feedback has AAP received about the settlement from international rightsholders?

And if you can, join me on Thursday, July 30, 6:30 p.m., in New York City at The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen Library, 20 West 44th Street, the home of the NY Center for Independent Publishing, where I will present a seminar and Q&A session, “Understanding Google Settlement’s Impact on Independent Presses.” Please bring all your questions about the Settlement!

Thanks as always for listening,
Christopher Kenneally Signature
Christopher Kenneally
Director, Author Relations
Copyright Clearance Center

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