Is the news business going the way of the music business?

By special arrangement with the Bernard L. Schwartz Center for Media, Public Policy & Education, Fordham University, New York City, Copyright Clearance Center presents a discussion on the future of news gathering in the digital age. The program moderator is William F. Baker, Schwartz Center director; he is former CEO of WNET-TV.

“Starting with Napster in 1999, the recording industry saw its profits decline as digital downloads began to replace CDs. Even though free downloads have been replaced by iTunes and paid streaming services, record companies still aren’t making what they used to,” Baker notes.

“In the newspaper business, online pay walls are replacing the free access to news that readers have known for over a decade, yet profits from pay walls and online ads aren’t replacing print revenue,” Baker adds. “ As a result, many papers and magazines are closing or moving online entirely. And the number of paid professional journalists gets smaller every year.”

Panelists for the discussion are Steve Gordon, attorney and former Director of Business Affairs for Sony Music.; Meagan Jaglowski, attorney, and executive producer at the Schwartz Center; Solana Pyne, senior video producer, Global Post; and Spike Wilner, musician and partner for New York City’s Smalls Jazz Club.

Schwartz Center Panel

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