Publishers play a vital role in cultivating and establishing creditability for new knowledge. During the Corona pandemic, trustworthy information is even more crucial than ever.

Piracy Panel

Over recent years, publishers have expanded and evolved strategies for combating content piracy in response to increasingly sophisticated counterfeiting techniques.

The most promising ways forward involve collaboration across businesses, industries, and continents, pulling together the expertise of legal, content, production, sales and marketing teams globally.

For this first of two programs called, The Never-ending Story of Pirates: Global Strategies to Combat Counterfeiting, special content from Copyright Clearance Center examines a variety of international perspectives across different industries.

A follow-up program will explore in-depth specific publisher experiences, illuminating how their organizations are responding to the ongoing challenge of piracy.

Discussion leader for both programs is Michiel Kolman, Senior Vice President of Information Industry Relations at Elsevier, a global information analytics business specializing in science and health. Kolman is a former President of the International Publishers Association. He earned his PhD in astrophysics from Columbia University in New York, where he studied with a Fulbright scholarship.

“Publishers play a vital role in cultivating and establishing creditability for new knowledge – and today during the Corona pandemic, trustworthy information is even more crucial and important than ever,” Kolman notes.

“In scholarly publishing, we are seeing publishers working collaboratively to streamline access to make it easier for researchers to discover trusted full text content. And access is more important today during the Corona pandemic – especially remote access as an alternative to traditional avenues to content cut off by the virus,” he adds.

Appearing as a presenter is Emma House, the Founder of Oreham Group, a consultancy focused on international business development and events in the publishing sector. Emma is the former Deputy CEO of the Publishers Association, where she ran a number of anti-piracy campaigns on behalf of the UK publishing industry, working closely with trade associations and coalitions in India, China and the USA.

Also a presenter is Roy Kaufman, Managing Director of both Business Development and Government Relations for Copyright Clearance Center. Roy advises the US Government on international trade matters through membership in the International Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) 13. Prior to joining CCC, he served as Legal Director, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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