An Indie Author Moves Away From Books

“I’ve always been sort of a practical person. I thought, what’s the best thing for my career and my direction? At one point it was traditional publishing, and then it shifted to self-publishing, now it’s shifted to something else.”

A Prescription for Self-Published Textbooks

A field of study like medical informatics is in constant flux.  Indeed, technology and healthcare have become so intimate and entwined, they are almost inseparable.  Conveying that dynamic relationship to students demands textbooks and other instructional materials...

Hybrid Publishers Dos and Don’ts

The lines have blurred recently in publishing, and the consequences for authors are considerable. Blurring lines means the freedom to move beyond once heavily-constricted roles: authors today also act as publishers and distributors of their works. Blurring lines can...

Rise of the Hybrid Author

The first wave of independent publishing in the digital age promised a golden age of reading and writing. Many caught up in the excitement were swift to proclaim the demise of traditional publishing models. What we see in 2015 is a world that has found room for both...

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