Research Conferences Shift to Virtual

Journals dominate scientific communications, but they are only one element in a multilayered information-sharing network. Conferences are an especially timely source of breaking news developments in every field.

BookExpo Moves To Facebook

From “Public Libraries and the Pandemic” to “Audiobooks and Consumer Behavior” will stream live on BookExpo’s Facebook page.

The Tales of A Bookshelf

That old proverb about a book and its cover – well, yes, it’s still true. But in the era of Zoom conference calls, we may be forgiven for judging people by their bookshelves.

Reidy Death Jolts Publishing

Carolyn Reidy rose to the top job at S&S in 2008 – at the outset of the Great Recession and as the arrival of e-books threatened longstanding business models based in print.

Frankfurt Book Fair Will Happen, Boos Insists

Frankfurt Book Fair organizers are looking at ways of combining real world and virtual experiences to provide an event that will be valuable, “not only to those who have come to the fair in the past, but even those who have never been to Frankfurt before.”

Publishing & The Pandemic: Rescuing Writers, Supporting Research

In nature, the coronavirus is smaller than a dust particle but its effect on both individual health and society at large is massive. The abrupt halt to all but essential businesses that has shuttered bookstores and libraries is leading to catastrophe for authors and others creators in book publishing.

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