Summer Reading Stays Strong

“Apparently, the industry’s anti-gravity boots are still working compared to 2019, which admittedly was a pretty lackluster year,” notes Andrew Albanese with Publishers Weekly.

Digital Sales Pump Trade Book Earnings

Publishers may have put a thumb on the scale to boost print over digital sales – and of course, to preserve jobs and bookstores and a longstanding book culture – yet the efficiency and the profit margins for digital products [often turn out to be] much better, says PW’s Andrew Albanese.

Working From Home Is Working for US Publishers

While many in publishing successfully work from home, someone has to get the books out the door, so warehouse workers don’t really get that option. Yet because so many workers can work from home, this does allow publishers to focus on safety efforts for who do come to a physical location.

How to be an Anti-Racist Reader (And Publisher)

In the midst of political and social upheaval, where do you turn to gain understanding and to foster empathy? For many Americans, the answers are found in books; reading is a gateway to move beyond misinformation, habits and prejudices.

Hot Trump Titles Gladden B&N CEO Daunt

In spite of better than expected total US book sales numbers in the pandemic, Barnes & Noble has struggled during the crisis. Yet CEO James Daunt expresses optimism.

Audiobooks Continue to Boom in 2020

As this podcast has done since 2017, CCC’s Beyond the Book takes a look again for 2020 at the latest developments and top achievements in audiobooks with two leaders in the field.

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