Where Publishing Meets the Pandemic

In a program created for the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair, panelists share real-time data about the coronavirus correlation on disruption in scientific publishing, how it drives their investments, and shapes the innovations they hope to bring to market.

Race and Racism in Academic Publishing: A Case Study from Elsevier – Part 2

In a two-part special program, Copyright Clearance Center and Elsevier explore how race and racism shape the academic knowledge system. This concluding segment considers how a publisher should respond to calls for change to eradicate racism in academic publishing and whether that change is happening fast enough.

Race and Racism in Academic Publishing: A Case Study from Elsevier – Part 1

In a two-part special program, Copyright Clearance Center and Elsevier explore how race and racism shape the academic knowledge system. This first segment considers the internal challenges facing publishers and editors – from policies around terminology to processes that govern the selection of editorial boards.

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