Best of VOC: Pirates and Publishers

Forget what you learned about the origin of printing. Movable type using Chinese porcelain pegs was invented by Bi Sheng in 1040, four centuries before Gutenberg and his press. And where there is printing, there is copyright, too. So, yes, you can also forget that other myth, the one that says China and copyright are incompatible.

Iranian Authors Uncensored

Estimates vary, but at least 3 million Iranians have emigrated since 1979. The United States has the largest such community, centered in Los Angeles, and fancifully called Tehrangeles. Many other Iranians and their families live in Turkey, Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Principles for Trustworthy AI

As part of the upcoming STM Spring Conference, the STM Association will release a white paper, “Best Practice Principles for Ethical, Trustworthy and Human-centric AI.”

Why Golden Oldies Are Hot Investments

While the music industry experienced financial carnage in the first decade of digital disruption, streaming has restored the business to growth by playing your favorite song.

As Virus Numbers Fall, Hopes Rise in Books Sector

“Over the last two decades of digital disruption and global economic meltdowns, the most important things to make for a good sales year [for the book business] were consumers with disposable income and a reasonable level of confidence in the economy,” says PW’s Andrew Albanese.

Ranking & Rebooting Publishing

A ranking of top players in publishing isn’t only a numbers game. Assessing the current state of the market in the middle of a pandemic and in the throes of digital transformation requires complex calculations far beyond spreadsheets.

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