BTB #125: For Lunch, A Buffet of Trade Publishing Insights

Publishers Lunch creator Michael Cader last week visited CCC’s office to address a gathering of rightsholders. The trade book publishing guru-in-chief dished out reviews on the latest news on the Google Book Settlement case, and offered his take on vooks, instabooks,...

BTB #123: For Frankfurt, Helpful Hints

With Frankfurt Book Fair opening next week, it’s time to check in again with Dawn Bruno, Global Publishing Team Leader and International Trade Specialist for the New York City branch of the U.S. Commercial Service (an export promotion agency within Commerce) and...

Best of BTB: Let the Chaos Begin!

October 1 opens “30 Days of Chaos,” a free national event dedicated to preparing for media and marketing’s digital future. Organized by Bob Garfield around the publication of his new book, The Chaos Scenario, “30 Days of Chaos” will enable and empower you, your...

Best of BTB: Advice for ‘Accidental’ Authors

For one thing, says author/publisher/software developer Susan Daffron, “forget bookstores. People buy our books exclusively online…because that’s where people are shopping anyway.” Daffron shared with Chris Kenneally her provocative and insightful advice on what it...

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