The Week Ahead 09.07.12

A ruling in the e-book price-fixing case comes sooner than later, even as publishers tally up e-book sales and find hefty gains. But equally hefty legal bills and settlement costs cut deeply into the bottom line. “For all the public comments, and for all the filings...

BTB #315: Google Grants For Non-Profits

Too good to be true. That’s what you’re bound to think when you hear that $10,000 a month in free online advertising is available to any and every qualifying non-profit. If you’re among the growing number of publishing houses operating as...

The Week Ahead 08.17.12

Crown Publishing Group gets a make-over, but how extreme? PW’s Rachel Deahl gets the inside story from the make-over artist herself. And in reviews, what’s wrong in America’s downtowns – and why these crimes are committed by architects and bureaucrats, not thugs and...

The Week Ahead 08.10.12

It’s been a grey summer for publishing: The runaway bestseller 50 Shades of Grey and related titles in the E.L. James trilogy from Vintage have reportedly sold over 10 million copies. That sensational figure suggests there’s a ready-to-ride bandwagon for other...

The Week Ahead 08.03.12

What did the bookstore clerk say to the customer? What are YOU doing here? The painful truth is that bookstores, and bookselling more generally, have never faced more parlous times than our own. But the business doesn’t lack for diehard loyalists and the battlefronts...

The Week Ahead 07.27.12

The world’s wealthiest woman is also the world’s most pirated author. And to protect her new adult market novel, J.K. Rowling is trying to put a spell on would-be pirates. “Rowling’s concerns over piracy have been very public,” Andrew Albanese, features editor at...

BTB #308: STM E-Books Forecast 2012

Across all of book publishing, the journey from print to digital is about much more than form factor. In the professionally-focused STM sector, publishers of scientific, technical and medical texts face are reckoning with seismic shifts in the way their content is...

The Week Ahead 07.20.12

A publishing giant finds one solution to the business challenge of self-publishing authors. Meanwhile, just in time for Olympics gymnastics, an industry tally of book sales in 2011 shows a business in the middle of a back-flip. In reviews, we learn about another...

The Week Ahead 07.13.12

Here’s a book publishing riddle for 2012: When is a book not good for a bookstore? “Earlier this year, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced a licensing agreement with Amazon to publish and distribute adult titles under the New Harvest imprint,” explains Andrew...

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