Libraries Welcome E-Book Lending Thaw

A January thaw is upon us – Not in the Northeastern US, where temperatures have been in the single digits for days, but certainly in Libraryland, where a major trade publisher has announced an innovative e-book lending program for libraries. Coming just ahead of...

Presidential Legacy in Independent Publishing

As presidents end their term in office, they focus on the legacy they leave to their successors. The Independent Book Publishers Association has announced today that long-term president Florrie Kichler is retiring from her post on July 1. Over the five years that...

House Moving in Digital Times

Whenever you move house, it’s an opportunity to clean, as well as a big job to pack. As the Penguin/Random House merger advances, the physical move may prove to be far easier than the digital transition, observes Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly senior writer....

2012’s Books By the Numbers

In the New Year, it’s time for endings and beginnings, along with some reckonings. The numerically-inclined among the editorial staff of Publishers Weekly have turned in their tallies for 2012. There were more #1 bestsellers than ever over the last 12 months,...

Copyright to the Rescue!

As European economies struggle for financial footing at the opening of 2013, ministers in Brussels, London, Paris and Berlin see hope in the digital future. According to the European Commission, the digital economy in Europe is expected to grow seven times faster than...

Publishing Pioneer Seeks Knowledge Unlatched

Scholarly book publishers, like their siblings in the journal world, today face growing financial stress along with mounting demands by academic audiences for free or low-cost content. The search is on for sustainable business models that accommodate and address these...

Book Business Set to ‘Transform and Roll Out’

Across publishing – once an industry virtually unchanged for centuries – revolutionary transformation is under way. Instead of an industry reliant upon middlemen and suppliers, publishing is becoming a service consumers can purchase. In a newly-published white paper...

Self Publishing Across Multiple Formats

Recorded earlier this month at the Mediabistro-organized MediaApp Summit, December 2012, and featuring Jason Boog, Editor, Mediabistro Publishing, Amy Martin Product Marketing Manager, Wattpad, and Christopher Kenneally, Copyright Clearance Center. Noting the...

Going, going gone? Whither The News Business

Is the news business going the way of the music business? By special arrangement with the Bernard L. Schwartz Center for Media, Public Policy & Education, Fordham University, New York City, Copyright Clearance Center presents a discussion on the future of news...

Publishing Education in Bits & Bytes

The digital tide is high – and rising – at leading publishing education programs. A Publishers Weekly survey finds more courses than ever on metadata and SEO, with the number of graduates finding digital-driven jobs growing, too. “In 2007, just 6% of NYU [publishing...

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