Lessons For Publishing University

“Discoverability – How to reach readers, and sell more books” is the 2013 theme for Publishing University, the annual conference of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). Coming to Chicago, April 26-27, “Pub U” programs range from buying trends in e-books...

Are Books Part of the Past?

Are books part of the past? Or are they essential to the future? No, we’re not talking about the shopworn debate over the death of print. In this clash for hearts and minds and money, books will likely survive — but what future lies ahead for books...

What Do Authors Want?

What do authors want?  It’s a short question with a long answer. Let’s start with the basics: In 2013, what it means to be an author is no longer about the difference between having a publisher and wishing for one. Authors today are free to take their works directly...

No Such Thing As Used E-Book

While the publishing world learns to live with the idea that e-books may be good for business, after all, a federal district court judge finds there is no such thing as a used e-book. “To quote OR Books founder, John Oakes, ‘e-books are God’s gift to...

Shades of Grey… And Green

Random House parent company Bertelsmann has put a cap on a record year for the global publishing giant with an announcement that worldwide revenue at RH rose almost 23%, while the companies’ profits operating margin jumped almost 76%. “Those are both astounding...

Copyright Reform Next?

Publishers prepare to pack for London, while the Supreme Court sends John Wiley & Sons packing with a copyright-related ruling that the First Sale doctrine applies as well in Bangkok as it does in Berkley. Ahead of the London Book Fair, running from April...

A New Brand Of Book News

On the minds of many publishers today is the challenge of branding.  Many an observer has noted the light touch of branding in the book business – After all, few readers ever ask for the latest book by Random House or HarperCollins. At F+W Media, by contrast,...

Millionaires By the Book

With the tide of e-book sales rising fast, the number of million-selling digital titles has likewise swelled. That’s good news for authors and their publishers, and lest we forget, heartening too for all makers of devices. Yet bookstore owners can take heart as well:...

Tech-Based SXSW Festival Goes Literary

Live and learn. In 2009, book business representatives took their show on the road to Austin and were met with a hail of digital brickbats. Four years on, the techies and the booksters have found common ground at the upcoming SXSW Interactive Festival. “In 2009, the...

Cory Doctorow On When Computers Disobey

Imagine your computer is designed to disobey you – even worse, to hide things from you. Arthur C. Clarke imagined such a computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The HAL 9000 “super computer” famously sabotages a deep space mission when it turns on the human crew. As one...

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