Stressed About Books

Speaking engagements can be stressful for publishing professionals. At the annual gathering of the book clan known as BookExpo America, though, any pressure to perform on stage at the Javits Center in New York City is nothing like what some senior book executives will...

Penguin Pays Up

At a famous trade book publishing house, they say, “the monkey pays the bills.” What they mean is that a perennially successful line of children’s books earns its keep and more. This week, though, we learned that a Penguin has a bill to pay, and it’s a whopper –...

Apple Readies Book Case

The digital dynamo prepares to stand its ground in the ebook price-fixing case coming next month to a Manhattan courtroom. Meanwhile, book industry insiders discover they will have to settle for double-digit growth in ebook sales, after years of triple-digit jumps....

More Than Books For BookExpo

What to expect at BookExpo America for 2013? Books, of course, from the Big 6 publishers to the growing ranks of the indies. Authors, too, naturally – often seated at the end of long lines of autograph-seekers, and this year, as part of UPublish U, they’re sharing...

Books Make Good Listening

The idea is often advanced that the rise of video on the Web will undermine reading habits – and that in a contest of pictures over words, the words will come out the loser. The jury is still out, but the spoken word has long enjoyed a warm relationship with books,...

Reaching Readers

As online merchants displace brick and mortar bookstores, the move throws publishers out of a business-to-business environment and into the arms of consumers. That paradigm shift from B2B to B2C is likely to see emergence of consumer-focused verticals in publishing,...

Hot Books Start With ‘Hot House’

With more books appearing every day, finding a book that’s worth the money and time it takes to read becomes a challenge. The publishing business worries over this as much as readers do, and they’ve taken to talking frantically at conferences about “discoverability.”...

Who Will Save Our Books?

A bestselling author has sent out an S-O-S for the book trade. Last week James Patterson took out ads on the cover of Publisher Weekly, in The New York Times Book Review, and in Kirkus asking the questions, “Who will save our books? Our bookstores? Our...

Yale Publishing Course Set for 2013

From Abu Dhabi to Athens, Shanghai to Sao Paulo, and from all over the United States, The Yale Publishing Course – Leadership Strategies in Magazine and Digital Publishing, and Leadership Strategies in Book Publishing – brings mid-to senior level publishing...

Amazon: Friend or Foe?

As the US celebrates National Library Week, there’s cause for celebration in the stacks. News from Simon & Schuster details a one-year, pilot e-book lending program with New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and the Queens Library. Over at the London...

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