Booksellers Say No To Amazon

Technology company sparks controversy in publishing world. It’s a common enough headline for the trades, but this time, the company is Amazon (not the one you first thought, perhaps!) and the dust-up centers on a popular book fair. “Indie booksellers are up in arms...

‘Gold Rush’ For Authors

For as long as there’s been an Amazon, authors have checked on sales activity for books from the privacy of laptops and PCs. Before that, the truly determined needed to work up the courage to call their agents. All of that’s about to change with the debut of a new...

Learning Via App

Medical and other professional publishers play an important role in keeping community members informed about the latest developments. When it comes to certification, too, many publishers have a part in checking on how well those same professionals have paid attention....

Apple Looking To Buy Time In E-Book Case

In a federal courtroom in Manhattan, attorneys for Apple in its e-book price-fixing case are offering up lessons in creative legal maneuvering. This week, for example, Apple argued that Judge Denise Cote – who ruled last July that the computer giant had colluded with...

Authors Take Publishing Gold?

Self-publishing – at least in its digital form – no longer carries a stigma. Indeed, for Amanda Hocking and Hugh Howey, among many others, self-publishing has paved a path to profit and celebrity. But a smoldering debate on just how much authors really stand to gain...

Consumer Protection For E-Books?

Statewide consumer protection legislation that guarantees availability of e-books in public libraries. If that sounds like a good idea, there’s a catch: any such laws would likely run afoul of national copyright regulation. And it all comes down to digital. Charged...

Appetite for Books

Readers remain hungry for cookbooks. Featuring everything from grilled meats to roasted vegetables, the print and digital servings from publishers large and small feed a healthy appetite among home cooks and librarians. “Cookbook sales remain red-hot,” notes Andrew...

Lending E-Books Gets Going

The digital revolution in publishing doesn’t play favorites. When it comes to e-books, change has come for author, publishers and libraries alike. Once upon a time, libraries were about access to books – period – and in that line of work, they held a monopoly....

Examining New Business Models

Until very recently, the core business model of publishing was in a steady state. Indeed, it was so for a couple of hundred years – Publishers acquired copyrights, sometime risking cash to do so by paying in advance; they printed books; and they sold them. Yet in...

BookCon Comes To BookExpo

As bookstores face up to the challenge of digital distribution, book publishers are conceding that so-called sales to “the trade” are giving way to a straight-to-consumer pitch. For booksellers, a response is to use digital to their advantage. At BookExpo America, the...

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