Publishing Jobs Survey for 2014

If you’ve got a job in publishing in 2014, you’re working longer hours than last year, and your paycheck isn’t growing very fast. But according to a recent industry survey, you’re probably smiling, all the same. “The average number of hours worked per week rose...

Throwing Elbows in Book World

Over the last several years, the book world has seen its real estate contract, as much a result of the loss of bookstore chains and the rise of e-retailers as consolidation moves among publishers. In such a world grown small, any move by one player impacts many...

E-Readers Dead Or Alive?

An auspicious setting and the unveiling of a possibly revolutionary device – it could be a make or break moment in the company’s history. No, we’re not speaking of tomorrow’s much anticipated announcement by Apple from the very same venue in Cupertino where Steve Jobs...

Changes Hit Penguin Random House Leadership

Penguin and Random House began sharing a single corporate roof in July 2013, and while it’s taken a bit of time, housecleaning has started. “The transformation of editorial operations at Penguin Random House has begun in earnest with creation of the new Penguin...

Give Peace A Chance In E-Book Price Fight

As Hachette and Amazon continue to battle over e-book pricing, the case is sometimes made that “books are different” than cars or soap. In the US, of course, books are treated no differently than any other good when it comes to sales and marketing. Across Europe,...

GlobalPost Covers World With Freelancers

The American journalist, James Foley, reported for the Boston-based GlobalPost, an online network of freelance journalists, before he was kidnapped in 2012 and ultimately murdered by terrorists earlier this month. Last summer (2013), CCC’s Chris Kenneally...

Looking on Bright Side of Book Business

If winter is for pessimists – all grey and cold and bleak – then summer certainly is season for sunny dispositions. In August, though, the publishing business has seemed frozen as if in mid-January. The source of the polar vortex, of course, is the ongoing slugfest...

Up Against Amazon

In the book world, telling horror stories about Amazon is a common enough way to pass the time at conferences and receptions. The details may vary, but the plot is the same –Amazon eats publishers for breakfast. What dramatically changed this summer, however, is not...

The Book Fight of the Century

In one corner: the scrappy contender whose strongest punch is a blow to his opponent’s appetite for power and profit. And in the other corner: the towering heavyweight champion who wants to pound the contender’s prices to the mat. “I think these fighters are dancing...

Bringing Up Bookworms

As foundational as it is to our lives, reading is not natural. Reading must be learned, and that means it must be taught. Whether a child enters through the printed page or a digital screen, the world of words promises rich rewards. Author of Born Reading: Bringing Up...

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